Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Washing And More Washing

June 14th 2011

Hello again, so i saw a few complaints about not having a date.Ill try and remember to put one on from now on. However i have a post for everyday so you can follow that way too. So today i was in the lab full day so from 7-5. it was ok i literarly washede pottery shards the whole time. But i was washing outside with my new bestie Kelly. So it wasnt to bad we just chatted and listened to music. After washing the rest of the crew came back from digging. We all cleaned up and ate dinner. After dinner the usual chores, i had bathrooms with Leah. However we were going to get galato when everyone finished to i helped mop the floors, i rdidnt want to have to wait for my gelato haha. So i guess we were going to have two people in the lab everyday and the rest of the people digging, and we would rotate around. However Dr. Kolb had a meeting with the students and we where able to voice how we prefered half half days, “where two people start in the lab and the rest dig then at lunch those two that were in the lab would swich and two from the dig site would go back to the lab. Dr. Kolb said that would work just the same. So tomorrow that looks like the plan. Dr. Kolb also said that if we dig really hard these next few weeks then the last week we can go to the beach like every other day!!!!! I really like that idea. Well i got to get some rest im in the field all day tomorrow. Buona notte

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