Thursday, June 30, 2011

Second Vespa

June 21th 2011

So today we worked so hard, we are trying to finish the pit up by next week. So everyone is getting really tired and sore. But today when i was in the lab washing pottery a guy pulls up to the school on a vespa. He walks over to where a few of us are washing and asks if there is a girl here who wanted a picture with a vespa. I am not kidding boys with vespas are literary asking for me hahaha. Yeah it was a pretty great it was an actual “vespa.” I got a picture of the name plate, it was soo cool. So yeah besides that today was a really hard and hot day.  The weather has been in the low 30s which is like roughly the high 90s. So yeah i hope this week gets a little easier, and less hot. By the way did i mention that after today, Dr. Kolb wants to move more dirt. So that means we are adding a third shift. So what that means is that one group would work in the field and one group in the lab then at 11:30 we eat then switch. Then at 4:30 we switch again, and work till 7:00 which is dinner. I know right it sound miserable. But we need to finish the pit soon, and by the look of it the bottom in nowhere in sight. However, Kolb said that the last group that rotates to would rotate to the lab will instead get to go to the beach for a few hours. So i am kind of excited about that. It makes working 14 hours a day not seem so bad when you know you get to go to the beach every other day!

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