Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Taste Of Home

June 16th 2011

Well today i spent the morning in the lab, then i went to the dig site and learned to map stratigraphy. Mapping is like way complicated. We have to draw all the lines of all the layers of soil, and measure it exactly, then shrink it to scale so it fits on the paper. It took forever to figure out, and it was like during the hottest part of the day, we are talking 90 plus degrees. My brain felt like it was cooking. However, i did learn how to do it and feel comfortable with the concept. People never realized how much work there is in Archeology. Everything has to be so exact. After mapping i dug some more then, me and a few of the girls went shopping. We went and bought cute clothes and shoes so wear to the party Saturday. I got this strapless dress and a adorable pair of black wedges. It so funny in Sicily women wear ridiculously high heals, and they wear clothes that i would call clubbing clothes. Like sparkley tops, skinny jeans, really shot tight dress. But the funniest thing is that they never wear shorts.  So me and the girls needed to get some new clothes to fit in on Saturday. After clothes shopping i went to the grocery store and guess what i found??!!?? OREOS!!!!!! I know right, here i was thinking how sad i was gonna be in Italy with out any Oreos. Well it looks i have no reason to ever return to the states now hahah.. Dinner was good as always, afterward we went out for some galato of course. Tomorrow will be another half lab half field day, so i have to get some rest. Buona Notte

1 comment:

  1. Did the package of Oreo's make survive the night or were they all gone by morning? :)
