Ciao, today we woke up, ate breakfast, then split up into two groups. One group went to one site and started clearing away weeds. My group went to a second site (the one in the Piatza/Plaza) and we moved fill aka dirt thats on the top of a dig site usually put down by the street builder. So yeah we shoveled old dirt and moved it out of the way so we could expand the site more. We also cleaned out the site from last year. The site is basically a hole in the middle of the street. Weeds had grown up and dirt had fallen in on top and we had to remove all that stuff. O and I wore my sweet new boots, that i got for my birthday from my awesome brother-in-law. So yeah the boots where great, my feet didn't hurt one bit, and they breathed really well. Half way through our work we took a break and went to a near by cafe for cappuccinos. As a side note here in Sicily men never drink cappuccinos. They only drink espressos. Cappuccinos are considered a girls drink here. After we finished (around noon) we went back to the house for lunch which was left over pasta from dinner or sandwiches. After lunch we had a history lecture from Dr. Kolb. Dr. Kolb is the director of the field school, he is a very cool. He has conducted this project since like 2000. The lecture was good, very confusing lots of mixing of Greek and Roman history, and also the Elymi (the natives of Sicily). The lecture was three hours long, and we have to memorize like a billion dates. However, I think this information is really gonna help later on. After that lecture we switched it up and went and had a two hour pottery lecture. The lecture was basically all the information we need to know for our first exam on Friday. Its gonna be really hard I'm gonna have to study the pieces really well. Basically, what the exam is we have to look at a pottery sherds and tell what part of the pot it came from, rim, base, body, handle, or other. Then we need to say what period, Medieval 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, Roman, Greek, Elymi, Iron age, Bronze age. Then we need to say what kind of pottery it is, fineware, greyware, black glaze, roof tile, incised designs, wheel or no wheel, etc... So yeah i have a lot to master in three days. So lectures are now over and we have a break until dinner. We eat pretty late here 7:30 usually. But tomorrow we start our first official day actually digging!!!! So I'm pretty excited about that, today was hard work moving rocks and dirt etc... However, it isn't that bad, because the scenery is gorgeous, and my team is super fun to work with. Tomorrow we are working double shift which means half the day half the group will dig the other half will work in the lab labeling pottery, then at noon we break for lunch then the groups switch jobs. Dinner was amazing as always, we had Rossot, a salad, and chicken Parmesan. After dinner i just hung out with the girls and chatted. I was pretty tired after my first day of work so i went to bed around 10. I have to be up by 6:30 for a full day of work. Buona Notte